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Month: January 2022

This glass casket

is a cold home

for a body made of gold

‏איך לגור

‏איך לגור

How to live?

That is,

a thousand miles pass me


I forget waiting.

I forget the night.

It was only days

in which we

found each other.

It was only years

in which we left.

Why does love melt love?

I melt you

You become me

Why does nobody go

where nobody goes? 

Before the fall

we were

more than sixteen and a half


You left us

less than

we were

Still recovering

Still stronger


The more I learn of myself,

the less identity I have


and I am looking

outside myself



it is all within me


A beating heart

is everything I have

There is one act

behind a thousand intentions.

There is choice

and there is



we have no

wisdom of tomorrow.

We will be our own


I fear.

I heard a voice

small and sweet.

I turned to see a ghost

I had hoped

was my sister.

Do not make me forget you.

I am a whisper

a beautiful whisper

and I speak prayers

or nothings to my own


and my mother ignores

how I sound

Because if she were to

listen I

would be


“He is without order”

is written in some person’s book

to describe the openness

of glass as it covers

every inch

of your face.

Even when the glass looks like skin

your hands and your fingers cannot

wipe your tears

without falling from your body.

I see you and I cannot breathe

And being is more fruitful

than not being


Your hands on my plate

My fullness in the wind

I read Rumi

I sigh

I breathe




with all of you


from your toes to your spine

and your eyes


for the ones

that cannot be


and know you

are loved

אהבה או זהב?

אהבה או זהב?

‎‎תן לי את הזהב שלך

במשפחה שלי הזהב חי בארון
‎בארון הקטן שאף אחד לא יודע איפה הוא
‎‏הארון הזה מלא זהב
‎ובנינו את הארון
ושמנו בו זהב כל יום במשך שנים
‎חשבנו שנהיה שמחים עם הזהב שלנו
‎אבל אף אחד לא יודע לאן הארון נעלם

‎תן לי את האהבה שלך

Do not leave me,

a sound in the cave

I hear whispers on my way

Find me here

But who do you cry for?