

I’m glad you came into my life. You came into my life to teach me about myself. To teach me to love myself before anyone else.

You wish you have me, but no one owns me.

Thrive off of hatred and pain, tell yourself the opposite.

Those who try to put us down are our biggest fans since they are spending so much time on us.

I’m sad because everything I do is so everyone will love me. but no matter what, not everyone does.

We mustn’t allow others opinions of us to affect us.

Positive affirmations, meditation, journalism, writing, and talking about it are all methods to growth.

I need to stop being myself and then immediately shaming myself for it. I must accept myself.

Around certain people i can’t even breath. I am so nervous, wanting them to love me. I forget who i am.

I keep on giving my love and hope to people who don’t appreciate it.

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