אין עולם כמו זה.
יש כאן אנשים שלא מבינים אותי
ואני לא מבינה אותם.
עדיין לא.
נבין אחד את השני יום אחד.
אין עולם כמו זה.
יש כאן אנשים שלא מבינים אותי
ואני לא מבינה אותם.
עדיין לא.
נבין אחד את השני יום אחד.
When my body heals
it heals in a different shape.
Where does your heart
go? Do you leave yourself?
You must be with you.
We are together as One.
We are full.
Of love,
of hope.
I know You.
In Your shadow I was created.
You deserve to be happy.
You deserve to be healthy.
You deserve to be safe.
You deserve to love
and to be loved.
I have You
in my heart
You live as the strength needed
to love myself through it.
I have no
lack of joy
or sadness to create.
My heart has broken
and I am here
as me.
מי יבחר אותי
חוץ ממך.
חוץ ממך אני לבד.
אבל איתך,אני מלאה באהבה.
I pray thank You.
Thank You when I wake.
Thank You when I lay
my head down to rest.
Thank You for
the life You grant me,
the love You place within me
and surround me with.
I keep my peace
to impress myself.
For if I have no patience,
I will always burn.
With all ideas together
we are more than a group,
we are one people.
is to turn one’s thoughts
to the mirror.
And even the mistakes are purposeful.
To live is to learn
and to learn is to fall many times.
Tell the story of your
Sabbath traditions
and it will be replicated.
It will be new and ancient.
It will be mistakenly done out of order
and perfect.
It will be restful and alive.
Words exist to be
written and ordered as they
come, speak without aim.
יש מילים
ויש סיפורים
בפנים סיפורים הם מילים.
ובפנים מילים הן סיפורים.
מה יבוא מהלב שלהם?
כאשר בן אדם לבד,
הוא שוכח את עצמו בעצמו.
(There are words
and there are stories.
Within stories are words.
and within words are stories.
What will come from the heart of them?
When a person is alone,
he forgets himself in himself.)
If the sun gave us
one week to leave it,
when would I?
How would the sun
not be ours to keep?
When I am safe
I become soft again.
I see in the darkness.
I see myself in the eyes
of my grandparents.
I see the need to be here
as I am.
מהבית הזה
.אני חיה חיים יפים
.דאגתי לך בחורף
.שניים לא תמיד שווים לאחד
(From this house
I live a beautiful life.
I cared for you in the winter.
Two is not always worth one.)