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Month: June 2019



I’ve always felt lonely

Surrounded by people

I’m too deep within my thoughts

To be here in this moment



Something about turning into a different me

Something about the feelings inside

Something about all my memories

Something about the way words float around me

Something so lovely, so lonely

Everybody Needs

Everybody Needs

You are cut out for more than

Soft waves and being liked

You deserve the most

Smiles may light up your day,

That’ll be enough

And you deserve everything else

Your worth may only be measured by one trait

Yet I’ll stand here and recognize everything

Soul Search

Soul Search

I would decorate my skin

In order to hide flaws

Now I emphasize them

To enhance my beauty

I’m stuck in a mirrored world

Yet they don’t see me



Ever gone reaching?


And your arm is too short.

Or your muscles are too weak.

And something stands in the way.



I worked on words for a living

Starting before the age of seven

It took parts of me away

Crafted an artist in my soul



Fluttering with butterfly wings

Across balconies and rivers

Aching to float away

Hurting to feel okay



Electric waves


On mount Fuji

Iced fruits alongside boiling tea

All wrapped in plastic

Dancing in train stations

While crying in temples



I liked you so badly

How your eyes would smile at mine

But your eyes were too handsome

It drove me wild

Too intoxicating

Fluffy and depressed

Is how I felt

It’s coming

It’s coming

Running wild

Cutting ties

Breaking bones that used to cradle my soul

Focusing on the sweetness in the roses

Yet he’s behind me and he’s pulled me in too far

So all I’m able to do is stare into is his eyes



How does love caress your skin?

Does love dance from side to side and swiftly bump into you in the ballroom

beneath the quiet light of an ancient chandelier

so purposefully, so graceful?

Or does the feeling haunt you?

Does it ache inside of your shivering bones in the night?

A little more Love.

A little more Love.

I want to do for myself

Not for girls

Not for boys

Not for parents

or for strangers

Not even my favorites

Because I will now begin assigning more love to myself

More care

Genuine and appreciative

Fully internal



Can I place my emotions into my words?

Is that my talent?

Or is it a technique using patterns,

during all times scattered?